
Taren Studios

Modern quilt patterns for the modern quilter

It's a Blog Post!

It's a Blog Post!

Welcome to the Taren Studios blog! I’ve been pretty intimidated to do a blog, to be honest, so we’re going to have some fun here as we navigate it all together! So, to not be so intimidated about doing a blog, I’m just going to do one and it’s not going to be about anything specific. Just a post. What better way than to get going than to just jump right in, right? So, we’ll start off with a picture of when I matched my black and white Arches quilt. I now have a pair of leggings that also match, so I’m thinking I need to recreate this pic, but include the pants in there too… that to come later…


And now, a picture with my face in it… because what is scarier than showing your face?! Ok, now that I’ve played around on this a little bit, learned some new things, matched a quilt and shown a mug shot, I think we’re good to go. Let’s get this blog thing rolling!

Mackintosh Quilt Gray-6_small.jpg